Professional Referral

Professional Referral Form

In a EMERGENCY please contact your own GP. The Cumbria Health On Call team (CHOC) are also available out of hours on 111. The Samaritans are available 24 hours a day on 116 123.

SAFA is GDPR compliant. Once the below form is submitted to us, the forms data is encrypted and automatically password protected. Only a team member from SAFA can access the data provided.

    Please note we are only able to currently accept referrals from Furness & South Cumbria
    Professional body referrals, please continue and complete below.
    How did you hear about SAFA?

    Client Details

    First Name
    Last Name
    Date of Birth
    Gender Identity
    Address Line 1
    Address Line 2
    Town or City
    Post Code
    Residential situation (living alone, with partner, flat share)
    Can we contact your client at the above address?
    Email Address
    Home Phone Number
    Can we contact you on this phone number?
    Mobile Number
    Can we contact your client on this mobile number?
    Does your client have a disability?
    Disability details
    Is your client currently involved in any legal proceedings?
    Please provide details

    Referral Reason

    What is the clients method of self-harm?
    How long has your client been doing this?
    Has your client self harmed prior to this episode?
    Do you have more of the clients Self Harm information you could provide us with?
    Self Harm additional information

    Characters Remaining: 500

    Is the person substance abusing?
    Please list substance abused/mis-used, age abuse started, frequency of abuse, whether injecting, history of overdoses

    Characters Remaining: 500

    In your opinion, is the person a risk to themselves or to others?

    Risk NoneMildModerateSevere
    Suicide NoneMildModerateSevere
    Self-Harm NoneMildModerateSevere
    Harm to others NoneMildModerateSevere
    Can you provide any additional information?
    Please provide additional information

    Characters Remaining: 500

    If a risk assessment has been completed, could you please upload the document.

    Referrer Details

    The following fields are * required. When inputting your name, this acts as a signature. By giving SAFA your signuture, it will give consent for information to be shared between yourself and SAFA, when it is deemed in the best interest of your client.

    *Referrer Name
    *Referrer Organisation
    *Organisation Address
    *Referrer Telephone
    *Referrer Email
    By submitting this form I accept the information provided will be held by SAFA. This information will be kept confidential, however there are some extreme situations where SAFA may be obliged to share information. Please note that referrals are usually reviewed by a counsellor within two working days (Monday-Friday).
    By ticking this box, I confirm my consent as stated above
    To clear data imputed into this form please press the clear button.

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