‘Oi’ Book BUY NOW for Mental Health

‘Oi’ Book BUY NOW for Mental Health

Oi, is the story of Snowball’s experience in the English state ‘care’ system from the time he was a baby in 1965 until he left at the age of 16. The title comes from moments which can only be expressed as ‘Oi You Fucker’ ones because of the brutality, cruelty, inhumanity inflicted on children and young people by their so-called ‘betters’ in a system which was ostensibly there to protect and care for them.

Snowball, the author: 

“I am From Manchester, 33 years a Barrow dweller. I am a self-employed contractor working across the European Energy Sector

I Joined the SAFA board as a natural extension of my charity work, and interests in people and their physical and mental health.

I plan to give an overview of my own experiences of going into care, life in care, leaving care and life after care. I will also touch on ex care leavers’ issues in society including high prison rates, issues with self-harm and suicide. 

My book will be on sale on the night of the AGM with all proceeds going to SAFA. The cost of the book is £14.99”

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